Friday, May 4, 2012

Life happens

It has been a while since I have posted anything. There was a family emergency and I had to leave town for a week and it's just taken a bit of a toll on me emotionally. As far as overall mental well being.... I have been feeling so different lately. Where should I begin? I realized that my liver is not converted the T4 that I am prescribed into the T3 that my body needs and I kind of thought that with my last bloodwork results, that I needed to lay off of the Synthroid for the time being to try to get everything evened out. I am still trying to find a doctor who will prescribe me Armour Thyroid aas well..... So I stopped taking my Sythroid when I travelled home to Ohio, it just kind of worked out that way, not that it was 100% intentional. The thing is...I have been feeling great! I wake up now feeling like I am actually rested...something that hasn't happened in years! I don't feel like I wake up with an elephant sitting on my feels great. The only problem is I don't know what to attribute this to. Because not only did I stop the Synthroid, I stopped eating Gluten products ( it will be a month on the 10th!) AND I also stopped taking my antidepressant for my PTSD.... I know it is a lot of changes, I realize that! But I truly feel better! I feel normal for once! Maybe it was the Synthroid that was making me feel so lousy for the past 5 years. If my liver is not converting the t4 into the necessary t3, that would make a big difference. I was only concerned with a TSH level for all of these years because I didn't know any better, now I am learning that TSH isn't the be all and end all of tests to determine how I should be feeling, or what my dosage of medication should be. I think I am going to order the Natural Thyrois online and start taking that because it has t3 and t4... although it may not be as regulated, at least I will get the hormone that my body so desperately needs right now... until I can find the right dr..

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