Why are you not doing your job? Why is is that you can clearly see that my T4 is not converting to T3 like it should? Why is it that you aren't checking my liver function, which is where this miracle conversion is supposed to take place? Why do I have to piece all of the little pieces of the puzzle together? Granted, google isn't the greatest place to try to find medical information, I know that, but when I realize that my body isn't converting hormones the way that it is supposed to, I need to know why. I find it strange that this tumor that I have on my clavicle is just growing for no known reason, but just leave it alone... it'll be fine. This kind of tumor is common with liver dysfunction...oh... liver dysfunction... you know, the large organ that is supposed to convert the T4 that you continue to give me even though it isn't converting to the t3 hormone that it is supposed to. My system is being overrun with the wrong hormone and is exacerbating the problem, not allowing me to get better.
Why are you not telling me that since I have Hashimoto's it is a wise decision to go on a gluten free diet, since gluten feeds the antibodies that are destroying my thyroid even more. It's been 4 days since I started going gluten free, and who knows if it is psycho-somatic but I feel slightly better. I wake up in the morning feeling a tiny bit rested which is an amazing feeling. Usually I wake up feeling like I was run over by an 18 wheeler. I feel like a veil is being lifted.
So in addition to going gluten free, I have been taking a lot of Vitamin C. I am trying to mega dose. I have seen a lot of research about mega-dosing vitamin c. It isn't going to hurt, there has been research that mega-dosing can be therapeutic in curing cancer! But there's no money to be made to cure cancer by an IV dose of vitamin C, is there? Vitamin C also helps with liver function! Who knew?
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