Thursday, June 21, 2012


I am getting rid of all Tylenol from the house.  The more that I am learning, there really is no  need for this dangerous OTC drug to be in the house.  I used to take Tylenol all the time, for everything. I would take a lot too.  Sometimes over the recommended dosage in the hopes that whatever headache or cramps I had would be alleviated more quickly.  Little did I know that I was damaging one of the most important organs in my body!  Tylenol causes liver damage!  It says it on the bottle, although it says only if taken with alcohol..which I think is a crock of poo...

My liver is not converting the Synthroid (T4) into the active T3 hormone that my body is starving for....  I can't blame it all on Tylenol, but if I can remove one risk factor for my family that is an easy fix, then why shouldn't  I?  It  pisses me off that when you are pregnant they claim the only safe thing to take is Tylenol! That really makes me wonder. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I have full blown liver disease, but I definitely am suffering from some liver dysfunction.

So no more Tylenol in the house for me or the family.

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