Monday, July 15, 2013

Over a month on the Armour

and my mood has drastically improved.  I don't get angry as easily as before.  I felt like I would lose it, now I feel like I have better self control.  I haven't lost any weight, but I think the dose needs to increase and I can't see the Dr for a little while due to insurance issues. The good news is that in two weeks, I will have the best insurance that I have ever had, so I am going to take advantage of that!  I do like the Dr that I found and I do feel better on the Armour.  I need to remember to take the other hormones, I am sure they will help as well, I just lost my insurance for about 2 months and didn't want to "Splurge" on my medication. Which is a crappy train of thought...I should take care of myself better.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

BioIdentical Hormones

Well, I went back to the Dr for the followup to my ton of blood work results and I am now the proud owner of some Bio-identical hormones.  It's a lotion that has testosterone and progesterone that I have to apply twice a day.  I also have a lot of supplements that I have to take too, I actually have to buy them.  Some things I have never heard of, but hopefully, all of this on top of the new Armour thyroid, will be what I need.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

NDT here I come

I have finally been able to find a Dr. to prescribe Armour Thyroid medication.  It has been 3 days!  I can't say that I feel anything just yet, but I am hoping... I mean really hoping... that something is going to work out for me with this.  The Dr. also ordered a shit ton of blood work, mostly hormone things to make sure everything is in order there as well.  So I feel like he is being very thorough and I feel good about this.  The sad thing is that I have to pay put of pocket.  The first visit was $160 and each visit after is going to be $80, but if that is the price that I have to pay to have something positive result, then so be it.  I though that I was being so proactive when I decided upon seeing an endocrinologist a while back.  I should have known by the guys business cards to run the other way.  There were too many misuses of the word you're instead of your... and it made me crazy.  SO then I went to another endocrinologist, who I knew in my gut wouldn't work out.  When I called and asked if she prescribed Armour the receptionist gave me a runaround-ish answer rather than being direct and she wouldn't ask the Dr. before I made the appointment.  SO that was a waste of time and money as well. So here is to finally getting the prescription that I need and hoping that I can see significant changes in everything!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Armour Thyroid

Is there a reason that getting this medication is absolutely impossible?  I though that I would try to go to another endo, and guess what! It was a total waste of my time!  A total waste of my time.  She outright refused, decided to check my TSH, which of course was totally fine... and kept me on the Synthroid... that has done NOTHING for me!  I am up 100 pounds in the 7 years since diagnosis... fabulous!  I love it!  It's great!  I love clothes that don't fit, I love not being able to fit into a ride with my son... it's a great self confidence booster.  I love eating healthy and exercising and not seeing an ounce of improvement.  It's great!  I am going to make an appointment with one more Dr. who doesn't accept my insurance.... of course... BUT .. the nurse said that he absolutely prescribes Armour and she was shocked that I have had an impossible time getting it... so that leaves me hopeful.  I just have to remember to make the appointment and  have to make it before i go to school!